It came out of nowhere
No one knew what it was, what caused it, or how to deal with it. The first recorded case of AIDS in Australia was in Sydney in October 1982.
No one knew what it was, what caused it, or how to deal with it. The first recorded case of AIDS in Australia was in Sydney in October 1982.
September 1988. It was when AIDS notifications had risen to 1,000; when 500 people had died; when the stigma of infection had spread its poison wide.
From 2000 to 2003 many positive people who had earlier retired were thinking about returning to work.
Survey which explored the community's attitudes and views to the recommendations of antiretroviral treatment at time of diagnosis.
Some of the changes 'Gaz' decided on making after finding out he was living with HIV.
South American Joseph struggles with a HIV diagnosis along with the cultural expectations of his family.
As a transgender HIV+ woman Sannyasi reflects on why transgender women are statistically over-represented in the HIV data.
It’s not hard to take care of yourself when using drugs with sex and staying safe when injecting.
My family are everything for me and all the time I have to keep my secret. I try to make sure they never see my tablets or see me going to the clinic.
Evaluation of The Choice Is Yours campaign developed by Positive Life NSW in 2015.