Positive Life NSW Logo 2021

Media Release

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Today marks the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex Discrimination and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), an important day to reflect on just how far we have come as a society but also to raise awareness around the work we still have to do to achieve inclusion, accountability and equity for all.

IDAHOBIT commemorates the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) decision to remove homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases on 17 May 1990.  The day was first acknowledged internationally in 2005, and has evolved over the years to be referenced to as the Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination.

“Positive Life NSW celebrates this milestone and other advancements in LGBTQIA+ equality and human rights, but the sobering reality is that those rights are tenuous and very much under attack, not only globally, but here in Australia as well,” said Positive Life NSW CEO Jane Costello.

“As an organisation when we say, ‘all people’ we mean it unequivocally, acutely aware of the impact that stigma and discrimination have on people’s ability to live with dignity and human rights, and the cost of that to health and wellbeing, including for those of us living with HIV,” said Ms Costello.

“That human rights such as access to health are at issue, and in some cases are actively being rolled back, anywhere in the world in 2023 is unconscionable. We have long stood with and advocated for an equitable society where people are able to live and thrive. Anything less is unacceptable,” she said.

Positive Life NSW is committed to an inclusive, supportive and safe environment and the values of IDAHOBIT.  We celebrate our wonderfully dynamic and vibrant LGBTIQA+ community, their achievements and contributions, while continuing to shine a light on the issues experienced by our community.

To read more about the history of #IDAHOBIT and find out more about the LGBTIQA+ community and how to activate your allyship visit www.idahobit.org.au


Jane Costello, CEO – 1800 245 677 or email communications@positivelife.org.au

Positive Life NSW is the largest peer-led and run representative body of all people living with HIV in Australia based in NSW. We make a significant contribution to, and positive impact across the spectrum of health and social issues on behalf of all people living with HIV in collaboration with HIV specialist and mainstream services to improve the health and quality of life of all people living with HIV in NSW. We do this through evidence-based health promotion, research, policy advice and peer support.

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