Does U equal you?
U=U is a HIV awareness campaign that refers to the reality that if you have an undetectable viral load (in Australia, this is less than 20 copies of the HIV virus per millilitre of [...]
U=U is a HIV awareness campaign that refers to the reality that if you have an undetectable viral load (in Australia, this is less than 20 copies of the HIV virus per millilitre of [...]
A community based survey of 1,660 respondents to assess awareness of and screening for anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and anal cancer in people living with HIV and gay and bisexual men in Australia.
Reflecting on my life in 1988 brings back some painful memories: and I was starting to fear for my own health.
In 1996, I obtained a seat on the floor in the corridor at the XI International AIDS Conference, held in Vancouver.
Part of the story of Talkabout and its contribution to people living with HIV in NSW.
September 1988. It was when AIDS notifications had risen to 1,000; when 500 people had died; when the stigma of infection had spread its poison wide.
From 2000 to 2003 many positive people who had earlier retired were thinking about returning to work.
Get legal advice sooner rather than later, if you experience HIV discrimination in your workplace.
Positive Life NSW sought the advice and input about the concerns and experiences of people living with HIV in regards to HIV associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND)
Positive Life NSW undertook a consultation with people living with HIV and HIV sector partners as we developed a new four year Positive Life Strategic Plan (2016–2020).