Indirect Discrimination while HIV Positive
Brett rang the HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) to see if there was any way he could make his boss pay him on time.
Brett rang the HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) to see if there was any way he could make his boss pay him on time.
Geoff Honnor examines the background and challenges posed by the ‘Ending HIV’ Campaign.
2016 review of the NSW Public Health Act 2010, and what the changes mean for people living with HIV.
Geoff Honnor shares his reflections from the front lines of the Ending HIV response in NSW.
In 2008 Swiss clinicians published a brave conclusion, now known as the ‘Swiss statement’.
Sydney in the 70s was a cool place to explore your sexuality.
As a heterosexual woman living with HIV for the past 21 years, I am acutely aware that the lived experience of women with HIV today is still mired in ignorance and invisibility.
Positive Life advocates for the NSW Public Health Act to reflect HIV as a chronic manageable health condition.
Blaming rejection on your sero-status or HIV stigma is pointless and disempowering.
When you need to tell a partner they might have been exposed to a sexually transmissible infection (STI).