
15 March 2016

Women and PrEP – some differences

By |2024-01-28T12:37:02+11:0015 March 2016|Categories: Health, Opinion, Talkabout, Women's Health|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

A number of major international studies show the use of Truvada as an oral PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) can help prevent the transmission of HIV.

15 March 2016

Returning to work and dealing effectively with Centrelink

By |2024-01-28T12:36:22+11:0015 March 2016|Categories: Health, Mental Health, Opinion, Talkabout|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

I have HIV and a number of other chronic health conditions including living with a mental health diagnosis.

15 March 2016

How gender impacts the lives of women living with HIV

By |2024-01-28T12:36:08+11:0015 March 2016|Categories: Advocacy, Health, Talkabout, Women's Health|Tags: , , |0 Comments

As a heterosexual woman living with HIV for the past 21 years, I am acutely aware that the lived experience of women with HIV today is still mired in ignorance and invisibility.

25 February 2016

Dispensing of HIV medications in NSW community pharmacies

By |2023-08-25T16:47:31+10:0025 February 2016|Categories: Health, Treatments|Tags: , |0 Comments

Positive Life surveyed people living with HIV to gather feedback on their experiences of the post-implementation of dispensing HIV medications in NSW community pharmacies.

8 December 2015

Partner notification: Difficult but critical to end HIV

By |2024-01-27T11:34:07+11:008 December 2015|Categories: Advocacy, Health, Mental Health, Treatments|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

When you need to tell a partner they might have been exposed to a sexually transmissible infection (STI).

15 October 2015

And we’re off: Immediate treatment for HIV

By |2024-01-28T12:41:20+11:0015 October 2015|Categories: Advocacy, Health, Talkabout, Treatments|Tags: , , |0 Comments

If you are diagnosed with HIV, starting HIV treatment immediately is the best option for long-term health.

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