Pain from Within: Internalised Stigma
Combat internalised HIV stigma and judgement, and take control of HIV!
Combat internalised HIV stigma and judgement, and take control of HIV!
Once you become poz, then what? Do you stop having sex, be unhappy, overthink, not go out, feel fearful and anxious?
Like many people living with HIV, I work full-time. I worked before my diagnosis and I’ve continued to work since my diagnosis.
I have HIV and a number of other chronic health conditions including living with a mental health diagnosis.
Blaming rejection on your sero-status or HIV stigma is pointless and disempowering.
When you need to tell a partner they might have been exposed to a sexually transmissible infection (STI).
Factsheet sharing practical tips to make sure your bowels aren't the cause of a bad day.
Social care and support cannot be underestimated and must remain as a cornerstone of our wellbeing.
Bouncing my way, along paths that sway, I opened my heart and soul along the way.