
21 January 2021

Life.mail eBulletin

By |2024-06-14T11:41:36+10:0021 January 2021|Comments Off on Life.mail eBulletin

Life.mail is our regular electronic Bulletin. Keep informed about upcoming events, latest campaigns and projects, news and programs relevant to all people living with HIV across NSW. Click here to subscribe to this email [...]

1 October 2020

People living with HIV & My Health Record

By |2023-08-29T12:09:39+10:001 October 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Communications, Factsheets, Health, Mental Health|Tags: , |0 Comments

Factsheet outlining the function of the My Health Record, and the benefits and challenges for people living with HIV.

1 August 2020

Accessing HIV Medication for people living with HIV without Medicare

By |2024-04-22T15:06:28+10:001 August 2020|Categories: Factsheets, Health, Treatments|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Factsheet about the different options to access HIV medication without Medicare in NSW.

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