Participate in Research

Positive Life NSW regularly partners with research institutions and promotes research studies by other agencies or institutions in the interests of informing and guiding the development of services and resources to meet the needs of people living with HIV in NSW.

Newly Positive Study

Diagnosed with HIV in the past 12 months? Researchers at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) are seeking participants for a new study on current experiences of HIV infection and diagnosis. You will be compensated for your time with a $100 gift card. You can take part if you:

  • Have been diagnosed with HIV in the past 12 months
  • Are living in Australia (you don’t need to be a permanent resident)
  • Are aged 18 years or over


Understanding experiences of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa living with HIV

UNSW Researchers are studying the experiences of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa who are living with #HIV. If you are willing to share your experiences in a confidential interview, please contact Collins Adu at or call 0466 623 670. Your time will be compensated with a $40 gift card.


Inclusion on this website does not imply endorsement.

Updated: Monday 15 July 2024
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
housing support for people living with HIV
Ageing Support
Treatments and Managing your HIV