All people living with HIV in NSW can receive our HIV antiretroviral medication free-of-charge. This includes anyone without Medicare.
People living with HIV who do not have a Medicare card, can get your HIV medication for free through the Medicare Ineligible Scheme. You’ll be able to pick your HIV medication completely free from a hospital pharmacy or a NSW sexual health clinic that’s part of or linked to a hospital pharmacy.
NSW Sexual Health Clinics are free, confidential and anonymous for anyone, including International Students without a Medicare card. At a NSW Sexual Health Clinic, you can get free sexual health tests, treatment and management of sexually transmissible infections (STIs), including HIV. They also offer free sexual health information and advice, such as contraception, other sexual health concerns, and vaccination for hepatitis A and hepatitis B for people at high risk.
- Find your local NSW Sexual Health Clinic
Download: ‘Accessing HIV Medication for people living with HIV without Medicare’
People living with HIV who have an Australian Medicare Card or if your country is listed within the Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with the Australian Government, can get your HIV antiretroviral medication free-of-charge.
To get your HIV medication for free from any local chemist or pharmacy in NSW, take your HIV medication prescription and this signed form NSW Health co-payment waiver form to any local chemist or pharmacy in NSW.
Your HIV medication can be dispensed to you free of charge for pick up like any other medicine. Depending on the local chemist or pharmacy, it may take them 24 to 48 hours to order in the medication, in which case you’ll need to return to pick up your medication. If you have a Medicare Card, your HIV medication will be completely free.
If you have further questions or need more support, call Positive Life NSW on (02) 8357 8386 or 1800 245 677 (freecall), or email
Further reading
- HIV antiretroviral medication co-payment waiver
- International Students Hub
- If you have received an STI diagnosis (including HIV) and want support telling a partner, call Positive Life on (02) 8357 8386 or 1800 245 677 (freecall), or email
page updated: 30 August 2024