This HIV Awareness week, 1-7 June 2024, take some extra care of yourself!

Ask for a HIV test – it is easy, confidential, and can also be free.  Let’s make HIV testing a regular part of anyone’s routine health care.

HIV testing is fast, confidential and easy

Your results are 100% private.

Who should get tested for HIV?

Positive Life NSW encourages everyone who is sexually active and believes you have been at risk, regardless of your age, gender identity or sexual orientation, to get a HIV test.  HIV does not discriminate between anyone.

Almost 10% of people who have HIV in NSW don’t know they have HIV, which means over 1,000 people in NSW do not know they are living with HIV.  When HIV is diagnosed early, effective treatments mean all people living with HIV can have a long and healthy life.

Call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 (free call) to have a confidential conversation with a nurse about HIV, STI prevention and testing, or HIV symptoms and treatment.

Are you an international student and want further information about how to navigate the NSW Health system?  Call Positive Life NSW on (02) 02 8357 8386 or 1800 245 677 (freecall) or email or visit the International Student Health Hub.

Different ways to prevent HIV

For more information please visit NSW Health


This HIV Testing Week (1-7 June), let’s ditch the assumptions  about HIV and make HIV testing a regular part of anyone’s routine health care. Get your free HIV self-test kit. Results take 15 minutes.  All you need is a mobile number or email address.  #HIVTestingWeek @newsouthwaleshealth  @NSWHealth

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
housing support for people living with HIV
Ageing Support
Treatments and Managing your HIV