Talkabout is a magazine for and by people living with HIV with the subhead: ‘Where we speak for ourselves’. Talkabout has a history of carrying writing that combines the ‘personal and political’ – articles by people living with HIV about our own physical and personal experiences that also analyse our social conditions. Content in Talkabout has a primary focus on the personal stories and experiences by and for those of us who are living with HIV, to express our views and to represent ourselves in a way that is within our control.
You can view the Talkabout Editions Archive below. Click on the image to open or download/save the PDF. If you are living with HIV or affected by HIV, and want to contribute to Talkabout, please get in touch!
Phone (02) 8357 8386, 1800 245 677 (freecall outside metropolitan NSW) or
Talkabout #93

Talkabout #94

Talkabout #95

Talkabout #96

Talkabout #97

Talkabout #98

Talkabout #88

Talkabout #89

Talkabout #90

Talkabout #91

Talkabout #92

Talkabout #83

Talkabout #84

Talkabout #85

Talkabout #86

Talkabout #87

Artwork and personal stories that appear in the Talkabout section of the website may not be reproduced
or republished without the prior written consent of Positive Life NSW.