Ageing Support

If you’re over 45 years of age living with HIV, and you need support, contact Priscilla on (02) 8357 8386, 1800 245 677 (freecall) or email

The Positive Life NSW Ageing Support program offers one-on-one support for anyone living with HIV over 45 years across NSW (metropolitan, rural or regional) to navigate and access the aged care, disability and/or healthcare maze and find the services you need to live life your way. Together we can talk about what you want, what works for you, and how you can keep your independence for as long as possible. Most of our friendly and knowledgeable staff live with HIV ourselves, are non-judgemental and understand how important it is to live life your way!

If you are living with HIV in NSW and over 45 years, we’re here to work out how to make life easier when you:

  • have occasional jobs around your home
  • need a little extra daily help around the house
  • want some respite while caring for a partner or parent
  • need support after a fall, illness or a stay in hospital or
  • you think it’s time to explore your options with residential aged care.

We also accept referrals from other people living with HIV, friends, family or via all allied health and housing sector staff.

Together we’ll explore what you might be entitled to through homecare support, healthcare services, financial or disability assistance. We can support you to overcome barriers or hurdles you might experience along the way.  Together, we’ll find answers to your questions and help navigate through the government assessment maze. We can also help you resolve any issues you might have and together work out how to set things right.

pdf iconPositive Pathways Newsletter / Edition #1 May 2024 (due 15 May 2024)

pdf iconClick here to download the Positive Life Ageing Support Brochure

Click here to read our Ageing Support related blog posts

For support, call the Positive Life NSW Ageing Support Officer on (02) 8357 8386, 1800 245 677 (freecall outside metro areas) or email

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Ageing Support
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