Partner Notification

Normally called contact-tracing, partner notification is process of telling or notifying your sexual or injecting partners about your STI diagnosis. When your partner knows they might have been put at risk of an STI as well, they can get tested quickly and if necessary, treated immediately.

Partner notification is usually carried out by the person themselves with the support of a nurse or a doctor in a sexual health clinic or GP setting.  Positive Life supports people diagnosed with an STI (including HIV), to notify or tell partners with the support of someone else (a peer) who has been through the process of notifying partners (sexual or injecting) themselves.

This peer-led partner notification is a way for anyone newly diagnosed with an STI (including HIV) to take ownership of a critical diagnosis moment.

For support call the Positive Life on (02) 0357 8386, 1800 245 677 (outside metro) or email

pdf iconTelling your partners about an STI diagnosis – some suggestions when you’re ready to take action

Clinical Services and Resources

Find a Clinic

Anonymous SMS partner notification services

Let Them Know
For women, trans and gender diverse people, and heterosexual men

The Drama Downunder
For gay, bisexual and queer men (cis and trans)

Better to Know
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


HIV Information Line & Sexual Health Info Link (SHIL)
The NSW HIV Information Line is a service for NSW. The service is operated by the Sexual Health Information Line (SHIL). The staff at the SHIL can answer questions about HIV and related issues, including information about testing, prevention, risk reduction, safe sex, safe needle use and general information about treatment.
Phone: 1800 451 624
Visit Website

NSW Sexual Health Clinics
Phone: 1800 451 624
Visit Website

NSW PEP Hotline
Phone: 1800 737 669

The peer-led partner notification service has been developed in partnership with the NSW Ministry of Health and Sexual Health Infolink (SHIL).

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
housing support for people living with HIV
Ageing Support
Treatments and Managing your HIV